The Management considers Integrated Management and respect for the Environment as one of the essential premises for success. For this reason, it defines its Integrated Policy and assumes the maximum responsibility in its application to the entire field of activity of the company:
Design, manufacture, marketing, distribution and technical assistance of ultrasonic cleaning equipment and systems.
This conception must be assumed by all members and collaborators of TIERRA TECH S.L., as well as the rest of the interested parties involved, who will be aware of their participation and will accept their responsibility to contribute to the achievement of the objectives in all fields of activity of the company.
The Integrated Policy is based on the following principles:
– CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. It is the policy of TIERRA TECH S.L. to provide products and services that meet the needs and expectations of customers, others that the company subscribes voluntarily, and those required by any other external agent concerned, complying with current legislation and regulations on management and environment.
– MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP. The Management assumes as its own the integrated Policy of the organization and promotes it through Objectives and goals relevant to the Context of the Organization, and appropriate to the nature, magnitude, and impact, oriented not only to the Integrated Management but also at environmental level.
– GUARANTEE THE INFORMATION AND TRAINING of the staff and their representatives, regarding System Management, both at management and environmental level.
– OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESSES AND RESOURCES to achieve Integrated Management products, with the least possible internal and external rejection.
– DECISION MAKING BASED ON DATA AND OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE. The Integrated Management data on which decision-making is based are: Customer Complaints, Customer Satisfaction, Internal Audits, etc.
– COLLABORATION AGREEMENTS with Suppliers and Customers within the framework of the established Integrated Management Policy.
– INNOVATION AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT, based on the application of monitoring processes, measurement, analysis and implementation of solutions, as well as guaranteeing the prevention and elimination, or minimization of pollution.
– COMMITMENT TO RESPECT AND PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT during the service provided, and throughout the stages of the life cycle under control of the organization.
The commitment of the organization does not end with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification, but maintains a permanent challenge of improvement, in order to obtain the total satisfaction of our Clients and other interested parties concerned.
TIERRA TECH, S.L., is committed to contribute to the creation of sustainable value for its employees, society, customers and suppliers, undertaking strategic and innovative actions, oriented to its social return, thus integrating social responsibility in TIERRA TECH, S.L.’s business model.
– Prohibition of employing minors under the minimum legal working age. Minors under 18 years of age who work legally shall not work at night or overtime and shall be protected against working conditions detrimental to their health, safety, or development and schooling (Minimum age for admission to employment / ILO Convention No. 138 – Articles 6 and 7).
– Comply with the provisions of the Employment Act, and the Convention in force at any given time, in relation to wages and other rights payable directly or indirectly, in respect of the employee’s work. Respect the legislation and regulations on the maximum number of working hours and time off ordinary working hours, or in emergency situations, including overtime.
– Prohibition to demand forced or compulsory labor, and as an extreme case human trafficking, for which the person has not volunteered, under threat of punishment of any kind (Universal Declaration of Human Rights – article 4).
– Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association at all levels, particularly in political, trade union and civic matters, which implies the right of everyone to form and join trade unions to protect their interests through collective bargaining between workers and employers.
– To ensure a safe and healthy working environment whatever the internal and external conditions may be: epidemics, occupational health and safety risks, etc. TIERRA TECH, S.L. considers its employees a strategic asset, to whom it cares for and offers a good working environment, promoting their professional development, training and conciliation measures, favoring equal opportunities.
– Prohibition of cruel or inhuman treatment, or threat of such, including sexual harassment, sexual abuse, physical punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse by any member of TIERRA TECH, S.L.
– Non-discrimination as a principle that requires equal treatment of all persons, regardless of their particular characteristics, such as sex, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetics, language, religion or beliefs, political or other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.
– Everyone has the right to protection against arbitrary interference with their privacy, family, home, or correspondence, or attacks on their honor or reputation (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).
– Comply with the laws in force in the countries in which it operates, as far as financial responsibility is concerned, adopting international standards and guidelines on a complementary and voluntary basis, and basing its relations with the competent authorities on information, loyalty, trust, professionalism, collaboration, reciprocity and good faith.
– Where appropriate, disclose financial, workforce, health and safety, environmental, business activities, financial condition, and performance information in accordance with applicable laws and industry standards and prevailing practices.
– Compliance with laws and regulations concerning fair business practices and competition, such as avoiding business practices that unlawfully restrict competition; improper exchange of competitive information; price fixing, bid rigging or improper market sharing.
– Avoid any type of action that could lead to a conflict of interest between individuals or companies, in order to take advantage of professional skills in any way for personal or business benefit.
– Minimize the risk of introduction of counterfeit parts and materials in the final products, as well as transactions that involve the matching of countries, regions, entities and restricted persons, through the control of the affected suppliers, and the study of the applicable legislation, isolating in such case the affected materials, and communicating it to the customer or to the security agencies, as appropriate.
– Respect for intellectual property such as inventions, designs, used in commerce and which are legally protected.
– Promoting communication and dialogue channels, as well as favoring the relations of TIERRA TECH, S.L. with its employees, customers, suppliers and, in general, with all its stakeholders, disseminating relevant and reliable information about its performance and activities.
– Respect for the environment is a fundamental pillar of TIERRA TECH, S.L.’s production model, optimizing waste management (RP and RNP), through systems implemented for waste reduction, use of good practices, and use of recycled materials.
– Promote among its employees the recognition of behaviors in accordance with the ethical principles of good faith, which are manifested in loyalty to the company and defense of the interests of the same, compliance with the laws in force, probity in management and prohibition of bribery, corruption and extortion, avoiding any type of conduct and procedure of unfair competition and commitment to confidentiality.
– The employees of TIERRA TECH, S.L. must take reasonable measures to detect, pursue and report any practice of bribery, corruption and extortion, and prevent unacceptable or suspicious forms of payment, informing their superiors or reporting it through established channels if they have any suspicion or concern in this respect. TIERRA TECH, S.L. undertakes to handle complaints anonymously and confidentially without any danger of reprisals.
– To respect, scrupulously, the Human Rights and Public Freedoms included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
– Promote collaboration with suppliers and transparency in contractual relations, with the obligation to act with impartiality and objectivity.